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Download Punjabi Fonts from Jaspell

To download the entire range of Jaspell fonts, use jaspellfontpaster.exe.

Punjabi is written most often using Gurumukhi script.  It can also be written using Naskh or Nastaliq script (like Urdu).

Download and save these Gurumukhi fonts to a suitable folder.  Then install them through Control Panel / Fonts.  For more detailed instructions, see the page how_to_install_fonts.htm.


Normal Download font jgur01.ttf
Narrow Download font jgur02.ttf
Wide Download font jgur03.ttf

This facility allows you to download a sample of the fonts which are used with Jaspell Jaldi multilingual word processing software. They are included in the software that gets downloaded with our full or demo Asian word processing packages. However, they are also provided here for you to do testing for free, if necessary.

These fonts provide for word processing in the following language group:-

Punjabi and various other more locally used languages.

The script is arranged technically as Gurumukhi.

The full registered software package includes other styles, and other typefaces may be added by Jaspell from time to time.

Jaspell have provided free help at readguru.htm, if you have difficulty reading, writing or pronouncing the Gurumukhi script.  Similar help is provided at readnaskhnastaliq.htm to help with learning Naskh and Nastaliq scripts.

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[Top]   Date of last edit: 05 September 2015