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Download Jaspell Jaldi Multilingual Word Processor

You can download software in various ways.  Its use is provided free.  You do not need an activation code or a dongle!
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  1. PROGRAM - When you download the word processing program software package, the package includes the character fonts.   If you already have some version of the program and fonts installed on your computer, you should uninstall them before you install a new version of the software.  If you don't uninstall earlier copies of the fonts, these may need to be installed manually later.
    1. Download program now? or 2. Get more information on word processor?
  2. FONTS - You can download the fonts on their own, and load them manually—perhaps for testing or for use with some of the language learning tools provided on the Jaspell website.
    1. Download all fonts now? or 2. Get more information on fonts?
  3. SOUNDS - If you need to hear the sound of characters, you can download a separate set of sound files.  These can be used as part of a teaching or learning process either using the tools included in the word processor or using the materials provided in the language learning section of the website.
    1. Download all sounds now? or 2. Get more information on sounds?

clickhere2.gif (1741 bytes)
Word processor package
(without sounds)

Version 9
(Size = 14·2MB)

  1. This will download file "jaldi09nos.exe", a self-extracting 'exe'. After downloading it, remember where you saved it on your computer. Double-click on it in Explorer to run it. Otherwise, select "Start" | "Run" | “Browse” to the find the file and run it.
  2. When you run the downloaded file, it installs the word processor program “jaldi09.exe” and auxilliary files to the Application Folder of your choice. Some files get installed in Windows\System or \System32.  Many fonts are meant to be installed, too, but you may need to reload fonts. A package of sound files can be added separately using the "Sounds Only" option below.
  3. Fonts can be reloaded separately, if necessary, using the “Fonts Only” link below.
  4. The word processor works fully without sound files.  Sound files are employed in Jaspell's language learning and teaching routines.  Sound files are omitted from this package so as to speed up installation and save disc space, but they can be downloaded later using the "Sounds Only" option below.
  5. When you start to use the software, you must select and type in a password, or else you cannot use all the features.
  6. Uninstall the programme only via Start | Settings | Control Panel | Add/Remove Programmes.


clickhere2.gif (1741 bytes)
All Fonts Only

  1. You can download fonts separately from the word processor.
    1. You may need to download fonts, if they do not get installed successfully with the programme.
    2. You may only want to use them with with our language learning media.
    3. Get more information on fonts?
  2. Just to download all fonts in the Jaspell range together, use jaspellfontpaster.exe.
  3. Alternatively, go and select individual fonts to download.
  4. Uninstall any existing copy of the font/s before installing a new copy.


clickhere2.gif (1741 bytes)
Sounds Only
(Size = 2492 kB)

  1. The sound files are not necessary, if you only want to create word processed documents.
  2. Rather, they are used in routines provided to help you to learn to read a new script.
  3. Get more information on sound files?
  4. Click here to start downloading "wavfiles.exe", which will provide you numerous ".wav" files. Preferably, save them into a folder "c:\jwav1".

Note: If you had an earlier version from the 32-bit family of Jaldi software and are now updating, it is recommended that you first remove the older version of your software. You may wish to check that you have saved your documents, and this is probably best done in ".rtf" or ".doc" format.  (Go: Windows Start | Settings | Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs.) See also ReadMe.txt.

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[Top]   Date of last edit: 05 September 2015