Teach yourself to speak Mandarin Chinese, teach others the Truth

Tōngguò yīngyǔ zìxué zhōngwén, jiàodǎo biérén zhēnlǐ

These are the latest files for newer computers using the Unicode character system.

Learning Technique 
You Can Learn Another Language—
     [online:htm | printable:pdf]

Pronunciation Guides using Pinyin script and Unicode characters fonts 8 September, 2017
The interactive htm file calls characters’ sounds automatically.
Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation—
     [interactive online:htm | printable:pdf]

Mandarin Chinese Introductory Language Course
Introductory Language Course using Pinyin script and Unicode character fonts 10 September, 2017
• Introductory Language Course Online—

     [interactive online:htm | printable:pdf]
Language Exercises—
     [online:htm | printable:pdf]
Discussions using Incremental Phrases—
     [online:htm | printable:pdf]

Dictionaries for Chinese using Pinyin script and Unicode character fonts 9 September, 2017
English to Mandarin Chinese Dictionary—
     [online:htm | printable:pdf]
Mandarin Chinese to English Dictionary (in Pinyin Order)—
     [online:htm | printable:pdf]


Are you using an old computer or old operating system without Unicode?
     [Learn Mandarin Chinese—Old Files Using ASCII Fonts]

Do you need to install ASCII fonts or convert ASCII files to Unicode?
     [Mandarin Chinese—Font Management ASCII or Unicode]


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© 2007-2017 Jaspell (Jasper Burford & Ellen Burford)
Date of Last Edit: 8 December 2017