Learn Mandarin Chinese Language—Using Older ASCII Fonts

These are older files using the ASCII character system for older computers and operating systems without Unicode.

These 2003-2016 files used ASCII character fonts.  They have been phased out as their material got incorporated into the Unicode suite in September, 2017: “Mandarin Chinese Introductory Language Course” using Unicode character fonts.

The older interactive htm files (*) below require you to install our Jaspell ASCII font

You Can Learn Another Language—
(*) | printable:pdf]
Mandarin Pronunciation—
     [online:htm (*) | printable:pdf]
Introductory Language Course Online—26 June, 2013
[interactive online:htm (*) | printable:pdf]
• Preliminary Course Exercises online—30 March, 2016
     [online:htm (*) | printable:pdf]
English to Mandarin Chinese Dictionary—


Do you need to install ASCII fonts or convert ASCII files to Unicode?
     [Mandarin Chinese—Font Management ASCII or Unicode]

Do you have a new computer and operating system that can use Unicode fonts?
     [Learn Mandarin Language (Using UNICODE Fonts)]


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© 2007-2017 Jaspell (Jasper Burford & Ellen Burford)   
Date of Last Edit: 10 October, 2017