Learn Bengali

1.      View Entire Range of Bengali Provisions

o   See whole syllabus

2.      Learn to Speak Basic Bengali

o   Online Basic Bengali Course as .htm

3.      Learn to Read Bengali

o   Alphabet and Pronunciation with Romanized Help

o   Practise Sounds

o   Hear Sounds

o   Romanized Conjunct Hints

4.      Bengali Grammar Course

o   through English—“Teaching Truth in Bengali”

o   through French—“Enseigner la Vérité en Bengali”

o   through German—“Die Wahrheit auf Bengalisch Lehren”

o   through Italian—“Insegnare la Verità in Bengali”

o   through Portuguese—“Ensinando a Verdade em Bengali”

o   through Spanish—“La Enseñanza de la Verdad en Español”

o   Grammar Summary with Study Review Questions and Answers (printable) | online viewing only

5.      Incremental Discussions

6.      Word Lists

7.      Dictionaries

8.      Bengali Songs

9.      Bible Study Aids

10.    Bengali Whole Syllabus

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