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Punjabi Scripts

Punjabi word processor systems are provided in Gurumukhi, Nastaliq and Naskh scripts as excellent value with this powerful multilingual package.  It is quick and easy to type Punjabi the way the syllables sound or using characters mapped across the keyboard.

For example, type “ki haal hee?” (‘How are things?’), and you will see the correct text in either of these three scripts!

In Jaspell Jaldi for Windows the “JaScript” called Gurumukhi enables word processing in Punjabi in its Brahmi-based form of script and classification of sounds.

The “JaScript” called Naskh enables word processing in Punjabi Naskh, and the “JaScript” called Nastaliq enables word processing in Punjabi NastaliqCharacters are adjusted automatically according to their context in these cursive scripts.

The method in which these are typed is described under typing.

The guides provided for learning the script and prompting how to type it are described under guides.

If you want to learn how to read these scripts, start with our charts.

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