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Guides to Help You Type or Learn Scripts

Jaspell Jaldi for Windows at Menu Key provides for normal typing of standard text (West European or "Roman").  For Asian scripts there are two ways, namely Romanized and Mapped to Keys.   Also at Menu Key charts are provided to assist users learning the scripts, their pronounciation, and how to type them quickly.

West European "Accented Roman" Typing.
No guide is needed for such a simple system. It is easy to make a note that the Ctrl key with 0 to 9 give the accent or other modified forms as in exemplified in:- clear (a), à, ä, á, æ(ß), ç, â, ø, å, ã, respectively. However, from Menu "Mode" you can choose to display a panel showing which suffixed number produces which accent.
Guides and Charts for Beginners with Asian Scripts:-
Character Chart (For Brahmi-based scripts such as Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurumukhi)
[Click on the thumbnail picture to enlarge it]
Excerpt of Character Charts for Bengali, Devanagari, 
Gujarati, Gurumukhi - See also web-page Learn to Read... (20402 bytes)
Syllable Sound Tutor (For Brahmi-based scripts and ".wav" sound files)
[Click on the thumbnail picture to enlarge it]
Syllable Sound Tutor for Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurumukhi (11308 bytes)
Guides for Typing Asian Scripts:-
Keyboard Layouts for Asian Scripts
Romanized Typing Method
Brahmi-based scripts, such as Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurumukhi
[Click on the thumbnail picture to enlarge it]
Example (for Brahmi-based scripts like Bengali) of character guide based on Romanized equivalent on a standard keyboard layout (16200 bytes)
Right-to-Left scripts, such as Naskh and Nastaliq Arabic, Farsi (Persian), Pushtu, Urdu
[Click on the thumbnail picture to enlarge it]
Example (for Naskh and Nastaliq scripts) of character guide based on Romanized equivalent on a standard keyboard layout  (14721 bytes)
Mapped Typing Method alternative for Brahmi-based scripts only
[Click on the thumbnail picture to enlarge it]
Example (for Brahmi-based scripts like Bengali) of character typing guide based on mapping characters across the keyboard (15362 bytes)
Use of Keyboard Layout
Copy touch-type the key letters until proficient;
Click on the key letter group to send it into the document;
Click on the character to hear its sound first!
Alphabetical Layout for Asian Scripts
Romanized Typing of Brahmi-based scripts
[Click on the thumbnail picture to enlarge it]
Example (for Brahmi-based scripts) of characters in alphabetical order with Romanized equivalents (11591 bytes)
Copy touch-type the letters shown for each character in alphabetical order.
Romanized Typing of Japanese Hira Gana, Kata Kana and Romaji
Copy touch-type the key letters until proficient;
Click on the key letter group to send it into the document;
Click on the character to hear its sound first (using  ".wav" sound files), if you wish!
Example (for Japanese syllable-based scripts) of characters in alphabetical order with Romanized equivalents (21329 bytes)
Online help is provided in detail
A printed manual can be prepared describing the typing methods for all Asian scripts. A printed manual is not provided with the limited package for West European languages, as typing is more straight forward, but the information needed is in the online help procedure.
Further help with learning to read or speak a range of languages is also provided on our site.

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Date of last edit: 05 September 2015