Civil Engineering, Problem Solving and Innovation for You

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Jasper Burford 

Jasper Burford

Jasper Burford retired from employment in 2011.  Since then he has been limiting his services to charity activities, language training and support for Jaspell software. The services he previously offered, as noted below, through self-employment under Jaspell Services or as an employee of Jaspell Services Limited have ceased

Jaspell, Civil Engineering and Business Activities 

Please note that we continue to provide software and language support.

Jaspell (Software)

Jaspell no longer trades, but serves to provide free products.  It still functions as an organisation conceiving, creating and producing software for a uniform method of word processing in many languages.  This software has been used to create the language materials featured on this website.
See details about our software?.

Please note that we no longer provide civil engineering or miscellaneous services.

Jaspell Services

Jaspell Services has closed.  This was a business through which Jasper Burford prior to retirement offered a wide range of miscellaneous services including language training, translation, word processing, software programming, problem solving and innovation, manual services, and so forth.

Jaspell Services Limited

Jaspell Services Limited has been dissolved. It used to provide the professional civil engineering expertise of Jasper Burford, but finished trading in 2010.

Problem Solving and Innovation for You

General Suggestions 
How to revise for examinations  
How to measure dredged quantities 
How to survey levels across a wide river channel

Oil-drum barbecue / chimenea / incinerator and pizza oven using an oil-drum to make a multi-purpose chimenea, barbecue, garden incinerator, and pizza oven
Hooped wire cloche with fleece or sheeting you can make for your garden plants
Free calendars are small sheets for your arrangements each year
Desktop icon gives you in icon to associate with your desktop shortcut
jaspellhome2.png (5565 bytes)

Date of last edit: 22 May, 2019