Learn Nepali

1.      View Entire Range of Nepali Provisions

o   See whole syllabus

2.      Learn to Speak Basic Nepali

o   Fast Nepali—Language structure—htm for online

o   Fast Nepali—Language structure—pdf for printing

3.      Learn to Read Nepali

o   Alphabet and Pronunciation with Romanized Help—htm for use online

o   Alphabet and Pronunciation with Romanized Help—pdf for printing

o   Hear Sounds

o   Special Romanization Characters for Nepali—pdf for printing

o   Suggested Keyboard Shortcuts for Romanization—htm for online

o   Suggested Keyboard Shortcuts for Romanization—pdf for printing

4.      Dictionaries

o   Fast Nepali—Dictionary—htm for online

o   Fast Nepali—Dictionary—pdf for printing

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