Step 2 - Check Fonts

Step 1 - Try out software and print samples


Step 2 - Check fonts

Jaspell's Asian (.ttf) fonts have names like
See downloadfonts.htm for more details.

  1. Run the newly installed word processor Jaldi09.exe.
    (Fonts should be installed automatically, if any previous copies were uninstalled.)
  1. Do the Asian language fonts appear correctly?
    1. Yes - Progress to Step 3.
    2. No   - Look for these fonts in the folder “C:\Windows\Fonts”.
  1. Are the fonts present in “C:\Windows\Fonts”?
    1. Yes - Restart your computer and the word processor.
      Do the fonts work OK?
      1. Yes - Progress to Step 3.
      2. No   - Follow point 4 below.
    2. No   - If these fonts are missing, as may occur with Windows 8, go to point 4 below.
  1. Download the fonts to a new folder “C:\Jaspell Fonts” using:\jaspellfontpaster.exe.
  1. Open the folder “C:\Jaspell Fonts”.
    Select all the fonts.
    Right-Click on the selected fonts.
    Are you offered “Install”?
    1. Yes - Select “Install”.
      Go to point 3 above.
    2. No   - Go to point 6 below.
  1. Go Start | Control Panel | Fonts | File | Install new fonts
    Browse to the fonts stored in “C:\Jaspell Fonts”.
    Choose “OK”.
    Go to point 3 above.
  1. Still having trouble with the fonts?
    1. No   - Progress to Step 3.
    2. Yes - Sorry! Contact Us!

Step 3 - Examine free "Licence"

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[Top]    Date of last edit: 21 May, 2017