Languages for Jehovah’s Witnesses
Teach yourself to speak Bengali (বাংলা—baanºlaa) and Mandarin Chinese (中文—Pŭtōnghuà using Pīnyīn). Learn to read Hindi, Nepali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Arabic, Urdu, Persian, and various other languages.
Many of our dear Brothers and Sisters have used our free publications to learn another language. Like the author did, you can teach yourself languages from ‘books’. However, our aids are especially suited to your theocratic activities by providing relevant examples, vocabulary, numerous exercises, and use of scriptures.
Choose from the various methods provided to suit the way you like to learn—whether a brief introduction or a full study of the grammar. You will learn to express your own thoughts by constructing your own sentences. This will also help you to understand and use the expressions provided in the JW Language App.*
Our Jaspell website is not part of the official organization of Jehovah’s
Witnesses who created JW Language.
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© 2007-2018 Jaspell (Jasper Burford &
Ellen Burford)
Last updated 17 February, 2018