Main Questions About Life and the Truth
1. How do you feel about suffering and
injustice that affect us all?
2. How does God feel about this? (Psalm 37:28) (bh Ch 1 ¶11)
3. Who is God—what is his name? (Psalm 83:18) (or Exodus 3:15) (bh
Ch 1 ¶14)
4. What convinces you that we were
created? (Romans 3:4) (bh Ch
1 ¶17)
4. Why can’t we see God—what sort of
person is he? (John 4:24) (bh
Ch 1 ¶20)
5. Whom did Jehovah send to earth to help
us? (John 17:3) (bh Ch 1
¶19; Ch 4 ¶3)
6. How can you find out the truth about
God? (Isaiah 48:17) (bh Ch 2
7. What is Jehovah God’s purpose for the
earth and mankind? (Psalm 37:29) (bh
Ch 3 ¶2)
8. Which angel first rebelled against
God? (Revelation 12:9) (bh
Ch 3 ¶4-5)
9. Were the first man and woman created
perfect? (Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:17) (bh
Ch 3 ¶6-7; Ch 5 ¶4)
10. How were Adam and Eve changed when
they disobeyed God? (Genesis 3:1-5)
(bh Ch 3 ¶7)
11. Why do we all grow old and die? (Romans 5:12) (bh Ch 3 ¶7)
12. What universal issue was raised in
the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 3:2,
4, 5; Job 2:4) (bh Ch 3 ¶8; ch 11 ¶10)
13. At what event will Jehovah God
destroy the wicked world?
(Revelation 16:14-16) (bh Ch 3 ¶13)
14. What organisations of this world will
be removed? (Daniel 2:44) (bh
Ch 3 ¶14)
15. What will restore God’s will on the
earth? (Matthew 6:10) (bh Ch
3 ¶14)
16. In God’s new world on earth will
there be violence, food shortage, sickness, death? (bh Ch 3 ¶15-24)
17. Is Jesus almighty God, or was Jesus
created? (Colossians 1:1, 15) (bh
Ch 4 ¶11)
18. Is Jesus equal to God? (John 14:28) (bh Ch 4 ¶12)
19. Basically, what is a ransom used
for? (bh Ch 5 ¶7)
20. What value is needed to save Adam’s
offspring from sin and death?
(1 Timothy 2:6) (bh Ch 5 ¶9)
21. By what power did God send Jesus from
heaven to become a human baby? (Luke 1:35) (bh Ch 5 ¶10)
22. Throught the holy spirit was Jesus
perfect or imperfect?
(1 Corinthians 15:45) (bh Ch 5 ¶11)
23. Why did Jehovah allow his son Jesus
to be killed? (Romans 3:23, 24) (bh
Ch 5 ¶13)
24. What should we commemorate
yearly? (Luke 22:19) (bh Ch
5 ¶21)
25. Why is John 3:16 important to
26. Are the dead alive in heaven or
hellfire, or unconscious in the grave?
(Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10) (bh Ch 6 ¶5, 6)
27. What will happen to all those
sleeping in God’s memorial tombs?
(John 5:28; Isaiah 25:8) (bh Ch 7 ¶17)
28. What is God’s Kingdom? (1 Timothy 6:15) (bh Ch 8
29. How many faithful ones will be
resurrected to serve God with Jesus in heaven?
(Revelation 14:1, 4) (bh Ch 8 ¶7)
30. What will this group in heaven do
over people on the earth?
(Revelation 5:10) (bh Ch 8 ¶9)
31. Are we living in the last days of
this world system? (Matthew 24:3,
6-13) (bh Ch 9 ¶6-14)
32. What good news is being preached and
by whom? (Matthew 24:14) (bh
Ch 9 ¶14)
33. Can some angels help us? Can some rebellious angels still harm
us? (Luke 15:10; James 4:8) (bh
Ch 10)
34. Why has God been allowing suffering
temporarily—to prove what?
(Genesis 3:2-5) (bh Ch 11 ¶10)
35. Has mankind’s independent course
under Satan proven to be better than God’s rule? (bh Ch 11 ¶13)
36. What harmful practices does God hate?
(bh Ch 12 ¶18, 19)
37. How should you view life, abortions,
and ‘abstaining from blood.’ (Isaiah 2:4; Exodus 21:22, 23; Acts 15:29) (bh
Ch 13)
38. How does Jehovah’s guidance help to
make family life happy?
(Ephesians 5:21-33) (bh Ch 14)
39. How does the true religion view the
Bible, Jehovah, love, Jesus’ ransom, this world, God’s Kingdom (bh Ch
40. What are some common practices and
beliefs in false religion? (bh Ch 16)
41. Whose prayers does God not listen
to—what requirements are there?
(Isaiah 1:15) (bh Ch 17 ¶5)
42. How can you show your relationship
with God is precious? (John 17:3;
Matthew 28:19) (bh Ch 18 ¶5, 3, 14, 22)
43. How can we remain in God’s love
forever? (Matthew 7:16-20) (bh
Ch 19 ¶7)
44. Do you want the everlasting “real
life”? (1 Timothy 6:19, 18) (bh
Ch 19 ¶21, 22)
bh references apply equally to two books available from
“What Can the Bible Teach Us?” (the simplified version) at
“What Does the Bible Really Teach?” available from at
(Check online for other languages.)
Jaspell (Jasper Burford and Ellen
Burford) Last edited 12 October 2017